Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Vouchers Delayed

Vouchers will be available in July.
Due to a printing delay, the PA Department of Agriculture has announced the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) has been delayed, and vouchers will not be available until the beginning of July.
New distribution dates will be announced as soon as possible. This will also result in a delay in processing the mailed or emailed applications.
Check Information
- Checks will still be issued through September 30.
- The value of checks has increased, with each eligible senior receiving five (5) — $10 vouchers.
- Consumers may redeem checks through November 30.
As new information and timelines are available, updates will be provided.
- Mail-in applications may be completed and mailed to the address listed on the application or emailed to
- Mail-in applications will not be processed for distribution of vouchers until after July 1, 2023
- A hard copy application will be required for participants who cannot receive their vouchers in person